Welcome to the Open ResearchNotes’ documentation.

Open ResearchNotes is an electronic lab notebook (ELN) to keep track of your experiments/samples/simulations, procedures/processing/measurements and results. Unlike your handwritten lab book, it is organized by samples - which are understood of the entity you are investigations. All procedures, measurements and results are connected to the sample, keeping things in a logical order and not distributed over various places. Further, it has a place for your general documentation (as a wiki), a dedicated machine/setup logging and finally an item inventory to keep track of your stuff.

The source code is available on gitlab.


  • Organization of the research data by samples (ESS entries), to which measurements (PPM entries) and reports are connected.

  • ESS entries have identifiers and description to provide metadata to attached files and to physical samples. We also have extra fields to mark for ESS origin, creator and creation place. We track creation and update times for you. These entries can be ordered and searched to find data or samples information.

  • Indexing against a full text search engine (ElasticSearch or Meilisearch) allowing to search the long description and other relevant fields.

  • Users are organized by research groups and can have either the role of a student or supervisors. On leaving the group, the student account is converted into a former student account and data shared with the supervisor.

  • Easy upload of files. For various file types, a preview function is implemented.

  • Long description text for the ESS, PPM and report entries can be formatted and translated to HTML using Markdown. A Markdown toolbar is implemented to help to learn the commands. The Markdown can refer to uploaded images.

  • A documentation wiki using Markdown as to format and creation of new documents containing information not directly connected to samples (e.g. experimental protocols, common procedures etc.). Documents are shared and editable on the group bases.

  • ESS entries can be shared between persons with an account in the software allowing collaboration and collection of research data form different sources in one entry.

  • ESS location can be marked and used to track the location of a sample.

  • ESS entries are exportable to Markdown files for storage and backup outside the software.

  • A dedicated instrumentation journal exist that allows tracking the status, changes or information of setups used for measurements that are not directly related to ESS. Instruments are managed at the group level and can be shared to other users to keep information coherent.

  • Item inventory to keep track of things like equipment, chemicals and things belonging to a group. Items have location and can be checked out by group members. Besides this, we have dedicated fields for vendors and catalog numbers as well as a free long description where you can store further information. Files can be attached to the item.

User documentation

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