6. Report entries

Finally, you can create reports for your PPMs. The number of reports to a PPM is not limited as single PPMs are analyzed sometimes more than once or in a different way. If you have to analyze data from different ESS doing the same PPM, it might be worth it to create an ESS for this analysis.

6.1. Create report

Opens a form that allows you to create a report to a PPM. It contains basically two fields:

Title: Give a title to your report

Long Description: Basically, a free text field containing your report. Again, you can take advantage of Markdown formatting as provided by the toolbar or by typing the Markdown command as explained in the Markdown help.

After submission, you will enter the report view or page that allows some further operation:

6.2. Return ESS

Gets you back to the EES parent entry

6.3. Return PPM

Gets you back to the parent PPM entry

6.4. Edit

Edit the information in the report form.

6.5. Associated Files

Same functionality as before. You can upload, preview and store different files. A Dropzone makes uploading much easier.